Study Tips

5 common mistakes students make while preparing for MBBS

Young professionals all over the world view medicine or the degree of MBBS as a respected and lucrative career choice. However, it is not easy to become a doctor. It is difficult to prepare for medical entrance exams. In addition, the expectations and general pressure are sufficient to stress any student out. It’s important to know how to prepare in the most effective way, so you don’t get overwhelmed.

To help medical students prepare for the MBBS exam, here are a few medical study tips:

1. Strengthening Core Concepts


Attempting to memorize concepts rather than comprehending them is a common mistake made by medical students preparing for the MBBS exam. Students must have a solid grasp of fundamental concepts in order to score well. When you begin preparing for the MBBS exam, you can accomplish this by enhancing your fundamental understanding and laying a solid foundation.

This will not only assist you in preparing for the MBBS first-year exam, but it will also serve as a foundation so that you do not have to re-learn concepts when studying for subsequent exams, such as the NEET PG and the final year MBBS exam.

2. Read and Study from Standard Books


Standard books not only assist students in developing simple methods for analyzing questions and problems but also provide a clear explanation of every concept that is required to help build a solid foundation while preparing for MBBS exams. When studying for the MBBS exams, standard books and authors delve deeply into each concept and explain the reasoning behind each fact. During second-year MBBS exam preparation, a good study tip is to first use standard books and authors to grasp and develop an understanding of concepts.

3. Revise concepts with MCQs and Practice Questions


Using MCQs and practice questions to review concepts is a common mistake students make when preparing for exams. Passive learning involves reading learning materials, taking notes, and watching lectures. Passive learning should be minimized for MBBS students, and practical assessment methods like MCQs and practice tests should be prioritized instead.

Before moving on to the next chapter, multiple-choice questions are a quick way to assess your understanding of a concept. Students must skillfully eliminate incorrect options in MCQs to test their analytical abilities. After reading and comprehending a topic, completing MCQs ensures that you comprehend each concept.


Attempting to integrate your subjects as much as possible is another useful MBBS study tip. Because medicine is nothing but a combination of fundamental subjects, students should endeavor to comprehend how each concept relates to the others rather than isolating each concept. In your medical studies, it will be easier to analyze and comprehend more complex topics if you integrate your knowledge of fundamental subjects.

4. Concentrate on Real-World Applications


When students consider how to prepare for an exam, the first thing that comes to mind is learning the theory. It is necessary to learn concepts using a theoretical understanding, but using an application-based approach, a practical understanding can help strengthen all theoretical concepts. Because practical exams frequently necessitate some practice, it is essential to have a solid understanding of practical skills when studying for MBBS exams. With practice exam question papers and practical applications, you will build your understanding of theoretical concepts and ensure that you have a solid grasp of all concepts.

5. Stay happy and enjoy your journey


It is essential to go out and have some fun in order to maintain your happiness and health throughout medical school. Don’t spend all of your time studying. Maintaining a few hobbies will ensure that your stress levels remain low and that medical school does not take over your life. You will be able to concentrate more effectively on your studies rather than becoming distracted and stressed out by the course material if you have a well-balanced life.

The easiest way for MBBS students to enjoy medical school is to ensure that their interests and studies are in balance. Include at least one hour each day for hobbies or entertainment. You can make sure that you can have a good time and stay on top of your course material and revisions by planning your day out.

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How to study in first year MBBS? The Complete Guide

Even though all MBBS years are important, the first year is especially important because it sorts out early thinking problems, introduces new concepts, tests the basics, and helps students develop a solid understanding of the basics. As a result, the new topics and concepts in the first year may bore you or even scare you. Despite the fact that this time of year is typical, your seniors have also been through it, and having a better understanding of the first year can help you plan your study schedules.

To help you get around the boat more quickly, easily, and simply, here is a quick guide:

MBBS Subjects


In order to prepare for the tests, a first-year MBBS student should aim to devote six hours per day to studying. There are in fact five subjects, but the amount of time you devote to each depends on your knowledge and ability. Therefore, don’t waste time planning. Even though you need six hours, divide them up well so you can focus on your studies effectively during those hours.

How to get a high grade in first year subjects:



  • Take your regular lectures and any course you subscribed to every day. Refer to the professors’ lectures and notes to make sure you understand the material.
  • Practice drawing as many diagrams as you can for the exams.
  • Make use of the online videos to get started on the subject. Also, check out the anatomy atlas from time to time.
  • Complete all questions from the past ten years.
    NOTES : Elite Anatomy notes



  • Take your regular lectures and any course you subscribed to every day.
  • Create your own flowcharts and make as many as you can for your theory exams.
  • Flowcharts are nicely provided in the 20th notebook  
  • Hard work and complete dedication to the subject are required.
  • Complete all questions from the past ten years.



  • Take your regular lectures and any course you subscribed to every day. Refer to the professors’ lectures and refer to notes to learn about each metabolism cycle and the enzymes involved.
  • Draw as many cycles as you can, as they all have equal weight in practice. Hard work and total dedication to the subject are required.
  • Complete all questions from the past ten years.

Time Management:


The best way to study is to set aside sufficient time for each subject. Thinking about it for six hours a day is definitely a good idea. However, don’t worry too much about the timing. In times of difficulty, it is acceptable to cut short at times but whatever time you dedicate, your concentration level should be at peak. In addition, it’s a good idea to set ambitious goals so you can always push yourself to do more. However, you should try to be practical.

For instance, don’t limit your goal setting to thirty minutes if it takes you two hours to read just one part of a subject. You could start with one hour and thirty minutes and finish most of the topics in two hours. Instead of setting too lofty goals and failing to meet them, work on timings one step at a time.

A successful MBBS student understands the concepts in the prospectus well enough to be able to treat patients after earning their degree. Therefore, try to do your best. Keep learning!

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11 tips to effectively study in medschool

Entering the med-school is way easy than to keep up and be there and compete for just passing the exams. You need to have a routine so you excel both in university and PG exam, here are some tips to establish a routine for your day and study effectively:

  1. Create a study schedule that works best for you first.
  2. Read the subject that will be covered in class. Read the material covered in class that day in your room or at home and take notes in accordance with the questions on the university exam.
  3. Discuss what you’ve read before and after class with your friends whenever you get a chance during college hours. This will assist in the creation of a concept.
  4. Revisit the topics covered in the previous 15 days.
  5. Keep one hour each day after college to refresh yourself in any way you can without disturbing others.
  6. Spend four to five hours on Sunday revising any notes you made last week.
  7. If in doubt, seek clarification from friends, teachers, the library, and the internet. If you don’t understand something, don’t be afraid to ask the teachers questions in class.
  8. Take accurate notes during classes and pay close attention to the teachers, as many of the topics covered in class cannot be found in textbooks and may be asked about during the theory and practical exams.
  9. If you have understood something, don’t be afraid to explain it to your classmates because it will help you understand the material and help you revise.
  10. Study all year, not just during exam time. You won’t be able to comprehend the subject’s fundamental idea with that rush-hour study.
  11. You will not only lose attendance, but you will also lose confidence and fall behind in class if you miss classes.

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List of Basic Medical terminologies for medicos

The terms used in medicine to describe various diseases, medical procedures, and conditions are referred to as medical terminology. Pharmacology, diseases, disorders, and medical procedures are all examples of these. The terms used in the medical field to describe the body, its functions, and the necessary treatments and prescriptions are referred to as medical terminologies.

You will find a comprehensive list of terms that will help you better understand the medical field.

Basic terminologies


Medical terms for Patient status


S. no Name Details
1. Acute The patient who needs immediate care
2. Critical Patient out of the normal range and maybe unconscious
3. Inpatient The Patient who needs hospital admission
4. Observation A state where the physicians will decide by seeing the condition of the patient whether the patient should be admitted or discharged from the hospital
5. Outpatient The Patient status who is not in the hospital for the care. This includes one-day emergency or clinic visits or same-day surgeries

Medical terms for condition and diseases


S. no Name Details
1. Abrasion Scrape affects the skin and can be treated at home
2. Abscess Puss-filled pocket happens due to infection
3. Acute The Condition which starts and end quickly
4. Aneurysm This is a bulge in the artery which weakens the artery and can also cause rupture
5. Aortic dissection This is the tear in the inner layer of the aorta
6. Bradycardia It slows down the heart rate
7. Benign It refers to a tumour that is not cancerous or malignant
8. Chronic A recurring or persistent condition
9. Cyanosis In this, the skin turns bluish and lacks oxygen in the blood
10. Thrombosis Blood clot in the vessel that affects the flow of blood
11. Edema By fluid accumulation, swelling happens
12. Fracture Broken or cracked bone
13. Hypertension In this the blood pressure became high
14. Hypotension In this. the blood pressure became low
15. Malignant refers to tumours that have cancerous cells
16. Cancer In this, Note the body cells became out of control as this is a collection of diseases that also cause abnormal functioning of the body
17. Tumour It is related to cancer where swelling occurs
18. Remission The disease is constant as it is not getting worse
19. Normal sinus rhythm The normal heartbeats are between 60 to 80 beats per minute in an adult
20. Sepsis It is the imbalance of the body which affects the tissues and organs of the body
21. Biopsy In this process a small tissue sample is taken for the testing so that we can find o\if there is any disease or extent is present
22. Contusion This is a bruise from the impact
23. Diagnosis This is the process of identification, where we get to know the diseases by the evaluation of the tests and the other factors
24. Embolus This is the blood clot, bubble of air, or any other obstacle which interferes with the flow of blood in the affected vessel
25. Atrial fibrillation This is the condition when the muscles result in irregular pulse and low blood flow
26. Ischemia This is caused by the lack of blood flow in the parts of the body which can refer to heart-cardiac ischemia.
27. Tension pneumothorax This is occurred by the collapsed lungs as the air leaks and there is a space between the chest wall and the lungs
28. Pericardial effusion In this, the blood is leaking in the pericardium which is surrounded by the heart
29. Myocardial infarction This is called heart attack as in here when the arterial blockage is present which result in reduced blood flow and chest pain too
30. Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) The other name is stroke, this occurs due to the blockage or any rupture of the blood vessels as then the brain is deprived of blood and oxygen.
31. Angina This is the symptom of coronary artery disease, where there is reduced blood flow and chest pain occurs.

Tools and types of equipment and medication terms Name Details
1. Endoscope It’s a tube that is flexible and has lighting and a camera fixed on it so that we can see into the body. And there are different types of endoscopes are present
2. Foley A flexible tube enters the urethra to drain the bladder, it is an indwelling catheter
3. Fluoroscope It is called an X-ray machine which is used for the still images
4. Stethoscope It checks the person’s heartbeats and breathing and it is a very small piece of equipment
5. Intravenous(IV) It is the fluid that is inserted through the veins
6. Epidural A local anaesthetic injection is used to relieve the pain during labour
7. Sublingual It is known as blowing the tongue
8. Nocte It means for at night, which refers to when the medication is administered
9. Mane It means in the morning, which refers to when the medication should be administered
10. OD It means Once daily (medication)
11. BDS It means to take two times per day (medication)
12. TDS It means taking three times per day (medication)
13. QDS It means taking four times per day (medication)
14. PRN It means take as needed (medication)
15. PR It means taken rectally (medication)
16. PO It means taken by month (medication)
17. IV push It’s a rapid injection of medication
18. NS It means normal saline which is called the mixture of salt and water produced by the body

Medical jargon/slang Name Details
1. Champagne tap A lumbar puncture undertaken without any red blood cells found in it.
2. stat Immediately
3. Thready This indicates the large issues and refers to the weak pulses which are disappearing because of pressure
4. Golden hour This refers to the high chances of successful treatment

Medical procedures and tests Name Details
1. Blood culture It is the test by which we can find any bacteria, fungi in the person’s blood
2. Blood gas This is the test that shows the components which are gas based in the blood which includes oxygen, carbon dioxide, pH balance, etc.
3. Blood pressure This test measures the good circulation of blood as the normal blood pressure is about 120/80 for adults
4. Blood swab In this test blood sample is taken on the cotton stick
5. Bowel disimpaction In this, there is the manual removal of fecal matter from the person’s rectum
6. Central line Here the catheter is present in the large vein which allows multiple IV fluids and to draw the blood easily
7. C-section It is the shorthand for the surgical delivery of the baby through the abdominal wall
8. pulse/ox It is called pulse oximetry, which measures the saturation of oxygen in the blood
9. Dialysis It is the process of blood cleaning of those people whose kidneys are failing
10. Pulse It measures the pulsating artery
11. Intubation assists the person in breathing through the endotracheal tube
12. Laparotomy is a surgery that involves the abdominal wall
13. Lumbar puncture refers to spinal tap
14. Sternotomy This refers to the surgical opening of the breast bone
15. Thoracotomy This refers to the surgery in the chest cavity
16. Tox screen Refers to the toxic analysis of blood is done in case of a drug overdose, for the purpose of identifying the drug
17. Ultrasound This refers to the image diagnostic by the sound waves of high frequency
18. Venipuncture This is a drawing of blood from a vein

Medical abbreviations Name Details
1. ALOC stands for Acute Loss of Consciousness
2. ASA is known as acetylsalicylic acid also called aspirin
3. BMI stands for Body Mass Index, this is the process of measuring the fat of the body based on height and weight.
4. BP It stands for Blood Pressure
5. BLS stands for Basic Life Support
6. CAT scan It stands for computerized axial tomography
7. CHF stands for Congestive heart failure
8. CPR It stands for Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, this is also called the mouth-to-mouth technique to save someone’s life
9. DNR stands for Do not resuscitate
10. DOA It stands for DEad on arrival
11. ED/ER It stands for emergency department and emergency room
12. EEG is used to measure the activities of the brain
13. EKG/ECG It stands for Electrocardiogram, this is used to record the electric signals in the heart
14. EMS It stands for Emergency medical services
15. HR stands for Heart rate
16. KUB It stands for Kidney, ureter, and bladder x-ray, this is used for the abdominal pain diagnosis
17. LFT It stands for Liver Function Test
18. MIR It stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, in this process we use large magnets and radio waves to see inside the human body.
19. NICU It stands for Neonatal intensive care unit
20. NSAID It stands for Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
21. OR It stands for operating room
22 OT It stands for Occupational therapy
23. Psych refers to the psychiatric ward.
24. PT It stands for physical therapy
25. Rx This is the shorthand of the medical prescription and also signifies some other treatments
26. U/A This is called urinalysis; we can say the process of testing the urine.

In conclusion, it is abundantly clear from the aforementioned terms that a variety of medical terminologies exist for various situations in the medical field. These terminologies are important so that we can be familiar with the things, so the medical terms for patient conditions and treatments are different or for diseases and many more. Apart from that, it is considered a second language in the medical field. For more information about the medical field and how to build a successful career in medicine, get in touch with our notespaedia team

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5 effective ways to memorise your notes in medschool

When it comes to remembering facts, take a straightforward approach. If you are also trying to survive medical school, here are a few pointers which can help you improvise the way you memorize:

1) To effectively create long-term memory:


Read a single topic as many times as you can over a long period of time. Although it might sound uninteresting, if you don’t read certain subjects multiple times, you’ll probably forget them.

2) For a particular subject, only use one book as your primary source.


For a given subject, individuals typically read from three to four books, resulting in confusion prior to exams. We do not suggesting that you only read one book; in order to get a thorough understanding of a subject, you should refer to multiple books. But your primary source should be one.

3) Take notes at home as well as in class.


Taking notes in your own handwriting allows you to quickly review important information prior to the exam and has proven to be an effective way people can remember for a longer time.

4) Make notes of the essential points in your book


It is evident to note down all the important points in a book, so that you can quickly review them when you revise them. In order to pass the exam, it is critical that we only study the relevant material prior to it; however, keep in mind that selective study alone will not help you survive medical school in the long run. In addition, you cannot inform your patient that you are unable to treat him because you have not read about it!

5) Before going to bed, review your notes


According to research, your brain reviews and selects what you will be able to recall in the long run during your sleep. Therefore, right before you go to bed, you can improve your long-term memory recall by reviewing important information.

Hope this tips helps you to sharpen your memory. Don’t forget to read 2oth book which is one of our bestsellers, the only solution to get all your data and formula sheet for medical PG at one place.

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5 advantages of notetaking for medical students

The ability to take notes is a skill that not only helps students succeed academically but also in business. Even so, taking notes has numerous advantages across the board.

Although a lot of people still agree that taking notes is essential, some people claim that it is an outdated method of education. Effective notes, as the saying goes, inspire you to perform well and advance your growth. Methods and techniques for taking notes have changed the learning process and made it easier to remember information for a long time.

What are the primary advantages of taking notes?

To achieve your objectives and goals, note taking is an art. It offers numerous advantages to its users, whether they are executives or students. The advantages of taking notes are as follows: Such as:

1. Improves your focus


One of the main advantages of taking notes is that it improves your focus. Taking notes allows you to reflect deeply on each point and maintain focus. Methods for taking notes are the ideal tool for students whose minds wander during study. because taking notes never allows you to forget anything and keeps you engaged throughout the lecture. Your ability to pay attention begins to improve as a result.

2. Encourages active learning


Another advantage of taking notes is that it fosters an attitude of active learning and prevents laziness. Like many students, it’s hard to pay attention throughout the lesson and respond to the instructor.

On the other hand, taking notes in class demonstrates a positive attitude and encourages asking questions. As a result, if you take good notes, you can stay engaged in class and make learning more purposeful and productive.

3. Enhances memory


This is another major advantage of note-taking strategies. Because of the revision and review of the notes, the amount of time spent remembering information increases.

According to a number of studies, if you write down notes, you have about 34% of the chance of remembering it. On the other hand, you only have 5% of the chance of remembering the information if you don’t write it down in your notes.

In a similar way,  taking notes encourages comprehensive learning because effective notes break down information into distinct sections. As a result, students have no trouble memorizing every point.

4. facilitates systematic work


The advantages of note-taking strategies extend beyond academic success and high grades. Because it is a methodical process, taking notes helps you in every way.

For instance, the Cornell method of taking notes is a methodical approach that teaches students how to work effectively.

They continue to make notes in their professional lives and jot down all the essential things and strategies necessary to complete an assigned task even after leaving college and university.

5. Enhances critical analysis


Note-taking is so beneficial that it enhances your critical analysis because you carefully observe each point as you write them down and decide where they belong. Taking notes in this way makes your perceptions stronger and your judgment more reliable.

Consequently, taking notes helps you analyze everything in a critical note, synchronizes your thoughts, and creates an accurate impression in your opinion.

The benefits of taking notes demonstrate that note taking is a skill that can be transferred. On the one hand, taking good notes helps a student do well in class. Taking notes, on the other hand, helps you keep your personal, social, and professional lives in balance.

As a result, it’s safe to say that taking notes is a dynamic skill that pays off in all areas of life.

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INI CET- Institute of National Importance Combined Entrance Test: The Complete Guide


What is INI CET?


The Institute of National Importance Combined Entrance Test (INI CET) is a national level entrance exam conducted by the National Board of Examinations (NBE). The exam is held for admission to various postgraduate medical courses offered at institutes of national importance (INIs).

The INI CET  is held in two phases – Phase I and Phase II. Candidates who clear the cutoff score in Phase I will be eligible to appear for Phase II. The final merit list is prepared on the basis of marks secured by candidates in both the phases.

In this blog post, we will provide you with all the information you need to know about the INI CET exam, including eligibility criteria, syllabus, preparation tips, and more.


Eligibility criteria for INI CET


The Institute of National Importance Combined Entrance Test (INI CET) is a national level entrance examination. The exam is conducted by the NBE (National Board of Examinations) for admission to various postgraduate medical courses offered by institutes that have been declared as ‘Institutes of National Importance’ (INIs) by an act of parliament.

The eligibility criteria for INI CET are as follows:

– Candidates must have completed MBBS from a medical college recognized by MCI.

– Candidates must have completed one year of internship before the date of admission.

– Candidates must be registered with the Medical Council of India or any state medical council.

Exam Pattern 


INI CET is a national level entrance exam conducted by the National Board of Examinations (NBE) for admission to various PG medical courses offered at institutes of national importance (INIs). Candidates who wish to appear for the exam must ensure that they fulfil the eligibility criteria laid down by NBE. The exam pattern comprises two sections – Section A and B – each consisting of 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The syllabus for INI CET covers topics from all major subjects taught in MBBS, including Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, etc.


Books for INICET


Pre Clinical Books

Human Anatomy and Physiology

Elite Anatomy

Essentials Of Medical Physiology

Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomy

Anatomy and Physiology in health and illness

BD CHAURASIAS Handbook of General Anatomy



Devesh Mishra for Pathology

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy

Pharmacology for Medical Graduates

Essentials of Medical Pharmacology

The Essentials of Forensic Medicine

Medicine by Mudit Khanna

Preparatory manual Undergraduates Community Medicine


Clinical – Science Books


Kaplan and Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry

Review of Dermatology

DC Dutta’s Textbook of Obstetrics

Pediatric Clinical Examination

Orthopedics Quick Review

Review of radiology


How to prepare for INI CET.


Tips and tricks for INI CET


Candidates can prepare for INI CET by following some simple tips and tricks:

  • Firstly, make sure that you are well aware of the eligibility criteria and the exam pattern. This will help you understand the nature of the exam and prepare accordingly.
  • Secondly, go through the syllabus thoroughly and identify the topics that carry more weightage. Focus your attention on these topics while preparing for the exam.
  • Thirdly, refer to standard textbooks and other reference materials recommended by experts to get a clear understanding of all concepts.
  • Fourthly, solve as many mock tests and practice papers as possible to get a feel of the actual exam. This will also help you improve your speed and accuracy.
  • Lastly, stay updated with current affairs related to medical science as this forms an important part of the syllabus.




The syllabus for the INI CET covers all topics taught during MBBS. However, candidates are advised to focus on those topics that are commonly tested in postgraduate medical entrance exams.

To prepare for the INI CET, candidates should first familiarize themselves with the syllabus and exam pattern. They should then create a study plan and stick to it diligently. In addition, they should make use of available resources such as books, online materials, and mock tests. Lastly, they should stay positive and confident throughout their preparation journey.

INI CET- Institute of National Importance Combined Entrance Test: The Complete Guide Read More »

Pathology: 7 useful tricks to study for NEET PG

Pathology is one of the most troublesome yet in addition perhaps of the most entrancing class in clinical school. Your knowledge of pathology will not only help you through your transporter, but it may also one day save a life.

We have listed all the best ways to help you get the most out of your Pathology study time and retain more information so that you can get the best grades on your exams.


1.Study Resources

A proper study resource is a best way to get started to study any subject. The best way to learn any subject is through standard books, for pathology many suggest Robbins as a standard book set but it is too lengthy, therefore an ideal way to study is through notes made by expert, Dr Devesh Mishras Pathology notes are world famous and used by many of the toppers of many exams like INI CET, NEET PG, FMGE. It is easy to comprehend and has covered all major topics needed for NEET PG exam.

2. Have your basics cleared

A lifelong skill is the study of anatomy, physiology, and pathology. To comprehend pathology and the causes of diseases, you do not need to know everything about anatomy and physiology; however, you should be familiar with the fundamentals. Therefore, you should first review the fundamental anatomical structure of the brain, the structures that surround it, the blood supply to those structures, and the lobes of the brain that control each function and the physiology of the brain if you are going to study the pathology of the brain the following week. So, if you go to class and your professor talks about stroke, you will know how a blood clot blocks the cerebral artery and affects the functions of each brain lobe.

3.Instead of memorizing the information, understand it!

Facts cannot be memorized without understanding them. Study sheets and a flowchart of the entire mechanism can be made for each disease. If you try to memorize the facts, you will quickly forget them. Hence, you should understand an illness’ neurotic cycle.


The more you learn, the more likely it is that you will forget many intricate mechanisms. To retain everything you have learned, all you should need to do is repeatedly repeat it. You can revise your notes on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, but the more you do it, the more you will know.

5.Take a test to find out how much you know.

You can ask your friends questions based on your own ideas, or you can use past papers or model papers that your teachers or institute have given you. This is a must-do activity if you want to get good grades because you know exactly what you need to study.

6.Check your mistakes

If you make a mistake during a self-review and use your reference materials to correct it, it is very unlikely that you will forget it. Therefore, always pay extra attention to your errors.

7. Use flashcards / Make them

Use pathology notes to study and prepare flashcards for important topics that can help you revise more effectively.

You can make a variety of flashcards, including questions and answers, diseases and pathology, and others. Making flashcards with questions and answers can help you prepare for the exams.

Make a cheat sheet out of the parts that are more important to you and the topics that you usually forget even more easily. Accordingly, it will make amendment a lot less difficult than going through the reading material over and over.


Useful References to learn Pathology

  1. Devesh Mishra Pathology – Get that edge for your medical exams with the Devesh Mishra Pathology notes. Written by the renowned Dr. Devesh Mishra, these notes provide complete coverage on Pathology for NEET PG, INICET and other medical entrance exams. Simplified with easy to understand language and digestible points, this book makes sure that you not only learn but also remember the most important concepts of Pathology. Get ready to ace your upcoming exams with the help of these invaluable notes!

2. Pathology Image Bank – Make learning Pathology more efficient and comprehensive with the Pathology Image Bank from Notespedia. This note has all of the images, flowcharts, tables, and diagrams to make understanding the material easier than ever. What’s more, crisp and clear explanations ensure that you get the most out of each topic. With this image bank, you can learn Pathology in as few as 3 hours. Plus, it’s been proven to increase your strike rate with 30% of the questions in INICET and NEET PG being image based. Finally, this image bank includes all the images used in Robinson’s Pathology textbook with an emphasis on repeated topics. Get ahead and ace your exams with Notespedia’s Pathology Image Bank!

3. Pathoma – Pathoma authored by Dr. Husain A Sattar is a tremendous resource in studying for USMLE Step 1 and preparing for third year MBBS theory exams. Dr. Sattar’s lectures cover all of the high yield pathology points. He explains everything from a basic mechanistic approach which is critical because that is how the questions are tested, but more importantly it develops true understanding which is never forgotten.



General Pathology

  • Reversible cell injury
  • Pathogenesis of cell injury
  • Morphological changes during cell injury
  • Fatty liver
  • Necrosis
  • Apoptosis
  • Gangrene
  • Calcification
  • Atrophy
  • Hypertrophy & hyperplasia
  • Metaplasia
  • HLA system
  • Transplant rejection
  • Etiology and pathogenesis of AIDS
  • Hypersensitivity reaction
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Pathogenesis of amyloidosis
  • Etiology and pathogenesis of oedema
  • Shock
  • Thrombosis
  • Fat embolism
  • Air embolism
  • Ischemia
  • Infaction
  • Inflammation defination, signs
  • Acute inflammation
  • Mediators of acute inflammation
  • Granulomatous inflammation
  • Primary tuberculosis
  • Milliary tuberculosis
  • Leprosy
  • Syphilis
  • Wound healing
  • Neoplasia
  • Difference between benign and melignant tumors
  • Routes of metastasis
  • Paraneoplastic syndrome
  • Tumor markers
  • Blood Vessels
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Aneurism


  • Acute myocardial infaction
  • Rheumatic heart disease
  • Bacterial Endocarditis
  • Serum Cardiac Markers for MI

Respiratory system

  • Lobar Pneumonia
  • Lung Abscess
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Bronchitis
  • Emphysema
  • Bronchogenic Carcinoma
  • Bronchial Asthma


  • Liver Function test
  • Jaundice
  • Neonatal Jaundice
  • Viral Hepatitis
  • Acute Hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Alchoholic Liver Disease
  • Billiary Cirrrhosis


  • Renal function Test
  • Nephrotic syndrome
  • Nephritic syndrome
  • Acute pylonephritis
  • Chronic pylonephritis
  • Wilm’s Tumor
  • Acute post streptococcal Glomerulonephritis
  • Non streptococcal Glomerulonephritis
  • RPGN
  • Minimum Change Disease
  • Membrano proliferative Glomerulonephritis
  • Ig A Nephropathy
  • Diabitic Nephropathy
  • Hydronephrosis


  • Gastritis
  • Peptic ulcer
  • Difference between Gastric and Peptic ulcer
  • Gastric cacinoma
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Enteric Fever
  • Intestinal TB


  • Functions of Thyroid
  • Thyroid Function Test
  • Hashimoto’s Thrroiditis
  • Goiter
  • Toxic Goiter
  • Grave’s Disease
  • Lab diagnosis of DM
  • Glycosylated Hb


  • Berry Aneurysm
  • Cerebral infarction
  • CSF examination
  • Neuroblastoma


  • Basal Cell Carcinoma
  • Premalignant Lesions


  • Fibroadenoma
  • Cancer of Breast

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