Delhi, India: The National Medical Commission (NMC) has instructed all medical schools to prepare for the January 27 broadcast of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Pariksha Pe Charcha.” The Prime Minister will interact with students, parents, and teachers throughout the program.
According to a circular that was distributed on Friday to the deans and principals of all medical colleges, approximately 1,200 students will participate in the event that will be held at the Talkatora Indoor Stadium in New Delhi.
Doordarshan will broadcast the show live on DD National, DD News, and DD India. According to the circular, the program will also be broadcast live on radio stations and streamed live online on the websites of the Prime Minister’s Office, the ministry of education, Doordarshan,, and the education ministry’s YouTube, Facebook, and Swayamprabha channels.
In addition, it states: All medical schools are asked to spread the word about the show and make the necessary arrangements for watching it.
A copy of letter dated 1 om January 2023 received from Ministry of Education in the matter is enclosed, is issued by NMC