Around 7,000 resident doctors in Maharashtra go on strike

When there were concerns about the new Omicron variant, the Maharashtra Association of Resident Doctors said that the government ignored their demands and forced it to think about shutting down emergency services.

State medical education minister Girish Mahajan told reporters he had asked resident doctors to talk to each other and told them not to make the situation any worse.

The strike was called by MARD, which claimed that poor hostel conditions were causing issues for students attending government colleges.

Additionally, the resident doctors have demanded that 1,432 senior resident doctors be hired and that associate and assistant professor positions be filled

Resident doctors calls strike : by MARD


MARD said in the event that their requests are acknowledged, it will extraordinarily help the state’s wellbeing framework.

Dean Dipali Sapale stated that there has not yet been a significant impact at Sir JJ Hospital, Mumbai’s largest state-run medical facility.

“They (the residents) have not reduced their services in the Intensive Care Unit, labor ward, or emergency rooms. The senior specialists take care of the general ward and OPDs. Additionally, routine surgeries have taken place,” Sapale stated.

Minister Mahajan stated that the public works department has received Rs 12 crore for repairs and that half of the demands of the striking doctors will be met immediately.

“We have high hopes for everything. Before going on strike, they ought to have spoken with us,” Mahajan stated.

MARD president Avinash Dahiphale stated to PTI that the association has not received a proposal for talks from the state government. Residents serve as an essential cog in public and government-run hospitals that see a lot of patients.

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